What your ZOOM mis-en-scene says about you

What your ZOOM mis-en-scene says about you

These are rare times; rare times indeed. Frightening, Orwellian. UNPRECEDENTED. To borrow from a favoured Times journalist, how I positively long for precedented times. No no, ’tis not Corona of which I speak. Yawn. That old chestnut. For never before in the history of, well, history, shall we ever again (God willing) suffer such intimate glimpses into the familiar home comforts and at times ghastly surrounds of friends, family, VIPs, very VIPs, and some not so very VIPs. It is in these curious times of WFH ZOOM ubiquity the critic in me is giddy with curiosity and gleeful scorn in equal measure. I can’t help it, my inner Llewelyn-Bowen has been spying ‘Changing Room’ candidates a-plenty. The last few days in particular have tossed up the...