“Thank you, but…”

“Thank you, but…”

“…this is not for us,” or “we’re going to pass,” or “we don’t see a fit,” etc etc etc. I’ve been seeing quite a bit of this lately. So let’s see, that makes three down, seven to go. Rejections, that is. After weeks (months) of editing and deliberating (dithering) at last I took the plunge, subjecting my opus to the unerring judgement of that second most coveted of things for an aspiring novelist, the literary agent (the first being an actual book deal). The prelude to this was as follows– edit, spellcheck, save, close, open, save as PDF, close, forget auto signature, open, add auto signature, save, close, open, save as PDF.  (Did I spell my name correctly?) Open, (duh) save, close, open, save as...