If everyone’s special…

If everyone’s special…

Bless. It’s that time of year again. The time my fellow aspirational child-rearers across The Pond regale us underachieving parents in Blighty with their kids’ year-end accomplishments and awards ceremonies on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr and every other social media outlet known to man. The time when I see nothing but a running feed of updates on little Timmy’s reading award, Mia’s skipping award (huh?) and little Luka clutching with glee his perfect attendance certificate, (ranking just behind ‘Most Improved’) Yikes. With no whiff of irony, last week I saw a ‘totes adore’ #tbt post of a friend’s toddler boy in a paper mortarboard ‘graduating’ from the INFANT ROOM of his nursery. Wait. It...