THE Truth? So 2020

“The truth is always the strongest argument” - Sophocles. What quaint pre-millenial tosh. Sophocles. What did he know? Moron. Welcome to the age of post- truth and relative honesty. THE truth? So last year. Why bother with such trifling nuance when your truth– his, hers, theirs (ahem)– is really so much more interesting, relevant and of course undisputed.  There was an interview the other day. Maybe you saw it? Maybe not? Between two professional compassion spreaders (it’s a thing. And not to be consfused with ‘super spreaders’) and billionaire media mogul. I say ‘interview,’ more like a chummy fireside confessional – minus the fire. (I’ve had colonoscopies more probing. All clear, thank you.) In one clip we hear Oprah (billionaire mogul...